
Teacher Training

About the Instructors

Dr. Daniel Jutras

Dr. Daniel Jutras is the Institute’s Director and Master Teacher who, for the last 20 years, has prepared over 1,300 Montessori teachers. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Ottawa and two international Montessori diplomas: AMI diploma (3-6+) from Perugia, Italy (his Instructor and mentor was late Antonietta Paolini who worked with Dr. Maria Montessori for 22 years) and St. Nicholas Montessori Advanced diploma (6-12) from England.

Fay Sequeira

The Master Teacher, Fay Sequeira, is a certified Montessori teacher from St. Nicholas Montessori Training Centre in London, U.K and the Center for Guided Montessori Studies with Montessori Training for children ages 2 ½ -12 and Founder/Director of Casa Montessori and Orff School with over thirty five years of experience working in Montessori classrooms.

  • Quotes

    Maria Montessori

    “Imitation is the first instinct of the awakening mind.”

    Carl Orff

    “Tell me, I forget Show me, I remember Involve me, I understand”

    Maria Montessori

    “Never help a child with a task at which they feel they can succeed.”

    Carl Orff

    “Experience first, then intellectualize”

    Maria Montessori

    “The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth.”

    Carl Orff

    “Elemental music is never alone but forms a unity with movement, dance and speech. The growth of music must be re-enacted in the growing human being and the child must be allowed to go through the various stages, starting at the most punitive”

    Maria Montessori

    “We cannot make a genius. We can only give a child the chance to fulfill their potential.”

    Carl Orff

    “Elemental music gives the child powers that cannot otherwise come to fruition…Elementary music should not be installed as a subsidiary subject, but as something fundamental to other subjects”

    Maria Montessori

    “To assist a child we must provide them with an environment which will enable them to develop freely.”