

Program Details

Basic Components for the Lower and Upper Elementary Classroom

  • Multi-aged classroom with a prepared environment and a trained Montessori Teacher.
  • Friendship and community filled with joy and excitement. The social life of the Montessori Elementary child is defined by the fact that students don’t sit at desks all day long. They work together most of the time. Parents are also very involved as partners. They come in to teach special lessons and take small groups out in to the community for field trips.
  • A Montessori trained Teacher who is a “guide” and has a very broad and thorough education.
  • Academics: there are three elements to the Montessori curriculum:
    •  Mastery of the Fundamental skills and basic core knowledge
    •  The Great Lessons;
    •  Individually chosen research

Hours of Operation

The regular school day is from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.

We offer Extended Hours for families needing an earlier drop off (7:30 – 8:30 a.m.) or later pick up (4:00 – 5:30 p.m.).

We in are operation from September through June, with closures during Christmas, Spring Break and in-services, program development days and parent-teacher conferences. The Elementary program is based on a similar calendar to our other programs.

Orff Music

Students continue with the Orff music program and also have access to music materials within their music classroom. This includes further studies of classical music, rhythm, voice, dance, movement, Orff instruments (including playing the recorder) and composing music.

Physical Education

Children attend 3 different physical activities over the course of the year. Traditionally, these are: Tennis, Ice Skating and Volleyball. Each sport is coached by a professional/s.

Yoga is also a regular part of the curriculum, with students participating weekly.

The Natural Outdoor Classroom and Playground

The outdoor environment is key to the Montessori classroom. Dr. Maria Montessori encouraged teachers to “take the child out to show him real things instead of making objects which represent
ideas and closing them in cupboards”. She was an early advocate of experiential learning, and envisioned the Montessori classroom as being extended into a parallel outdoor garden. She felt that “when children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength.” With this in mind, an outdoor classroom has been developed that provides a natural playground, and a sanctuary for children of all ages to explore their environment and grow both physically and emotionally. The outdoor classroom provides children an opportunity to touch land, feel water, and breathe fresh air. This experience is vital to the Montessori teaching of the three basic elements in the natural world.


Students attend French lessons regularly. The emphasis is on children gaining a love for the language, building a vocabulary and basic grammar skills. French  materials are provided for children to work with including computer programs.

  • Quotes

    Maria Montessori

    “Imitation is the first instinct of the awakening mind.”

    Carl Orff

    “Tell me, I forget Show me, I remember Involve me, I understand”

    Maria Montessori

    “Never help a child with a task at which they feel they can succeed.”

    Carl Orff

    “Experience first, then intellectualize”

    Maria Montessori

    “The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth.”

    Carl Orff

    “Elemental music is never alone but forms a unity with movement, dance and speech. The growth of music must be re-enacted in the growing human being and the child must be allowed to go through the various stages, starting at the most punitive”

    Maria Montessori

    “We cannot make a genius. We can only give a child the chance to fulfill their potential.”

    Carl Orff

    “Elemental music gives the child powers that cannot otherwise come to fruition…Elementary music should not be installed as a subsidiary subject, but as something fundamental to other subjects”

    Maria Montessori

    “To assist a child we must provide them with an environment which will enable them to develop freely.”